স্পেশাল এন্ট্রি প্রবেশনারি আর্টিফিসার-৪র্থ ও নাবিক ভর্তি
Welcome To Join Bangladesh Navy
mission of the Bangladesh Navy is to defend our country from threats
emanating on, above and under the sea and in the internal waters of the
country, promote and protect our maritime interests, ensure maritime
governance and contribute to diplomatic objectives of our nation.
Navy to evolve into a three dimensional navy acquiring such capacity
and capability so as to be able to maintain a deterrent posture across
the full spectrum of conflict. Bangladesh Navy should also be able to
undertake constabulary and benign tasks to render safer seas for
national maritime economic activities. In doing so, Bangladesh Navy is
to maintain critical operational readiness at all times leveraging
through jointmanship.
Since its inception BN has carried out many operations. It included
both operations of liberation war and peace time operations.